Live a Life of Intelligence

We get bogged down by our hearts and the relationships we have, many a time, and most of our relationships end up in way that breaks our heart. What did we do wrong is a question we ask ourselves? The answer lies in our brains, when we get to live a life which is completely not in sync with the world we will end up on a sad note. The world shows us what is happening only so that we are able to learn and grow.

There are many people like us, who do not pay attention to what’s going on in this world and think that they do everything right. Whatever happens in the world happens for a reason to show what is important and of knowledge, just as it happens in technology, there are latest versions and upgradations happening all the time, we need to upgrade to the latest happenings in the world. And what is the way to do it? One of the best ways to do it, is by keeping abundance, don’t live life where you are left with little and meagre. But live a life of abundance and full of plenty. This is what we can say as living a life of Intelligence.

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